Align with the natural flow of life through energy and sound healing

What is energy healing?

Energy is all around us. Every cell in our body holds energy, and even non-living things like an empty room can hold energy. Have you ever walked into a room and felt at home? Or on the flip side, maybe felt like there were “bad vibes”?

Imagine being able to transmute those energies to be more in alignment with your highest self. Using gentle healing techniques, like Reiki and sound, we move and shift energy in a way that supports optimum growth and healing. Our busy lives often put us in '“fight or flight” mode. During our sessions, we moves towards “rest and digest” while we hold space for emotions and feelings to come through, be acknowledged and processed in a safe, supportive space.


I’m Terri, and I’m so glad that you are here.

The Mayari Way is a haven for the mind, body and spirit. When these parts of us are in alignment, we are better able to “find our flow”. We begin to move in harmony with the natural flow of life, rather than resisting, forcing or chasing.

Taking inspiration from Mayari, the Tagalog goddess of the Moon, we honor each phase of our journey. As she is also known as the goddess of revolution, beauty, and strength, we can learn to embody these different aspects within ourselves.

Guided by intuition and tapping into energy and sound healing modalities, we have an opportunity to bring ourselves into balance. Together, we will co-create an experience to help move and shift energy in a way that best support the healing and alignment of the mind, body, and spirit. 


Energy Work

Reiki is a form of energy healing that originated in Japan. The word "reiki" translates to "universal life energy". During treatment, the practitioner guides the healthy flow of energy using their hands gently on or just above the body. 

Sound Healing

Traditional medicine teaches that sound is perceived by the ear, however newer research revealed it is also felt physically through vibrations in the body. As the vibrations travel through the body, they promote relaxation and help to create a state of ease and harmony. 

Tuning Fork Therapy

The frequencies within the body including breathing, blood circulation and pulse are intended to function in harmonic balance. When the body is out of balance, tuning forks can be used to bring about major, positive shifts in the energy patterns within and surrounding the human body.

Akashic Records

The Akashic Records are the (energetic) library of our soul. They hold the information from your soul’s journey and give us guidance about past lives and present situations. Reading from the Records can offer clarity and understanding, and help to raise our vibration as we re-connects to our power  and align with our soul’s wisdom.

Work with Me

  • Treatments

    Treatments include energy healing modalities such as Reiki, High Priestess Healing, Akashic Records Reading, Sound Healing and Tuning Fork Therapy. Modalities used during treatment will be intuitively picked and guided by what your needs and what you are experiencing at the time.

  • Events

    The power of community shines through during group events. Tap into the collective energy as you connect and align to higher vibrations.

    Celebrating a special occasion? Let's plan a customized a private event for your celebration.

  • Trainings & Workshops

    Make time to nurture yourself and continue on your path to healing through group workshops and trainings. These opportunities are designed to help guide you towards your most authentic self.